Our Lunch & Learn with Infusionsoft
Neat opportunity to talk about Deadline Funnel with the Infusionsoft team!
Recently, we had the opportunity to join Infusionsoft, a leader in CRM (customer relationship management) software, for pizza-from across the country. We’re grateful to have participated in one of their Lunch and Learns, one way they provide extracurricular education to employees interested in giving their clients more ways to make the most of InfusionSoft.
Jack Born, founder of Deadline Funnel sat down with coaches (virtually, anyway) at Infusionsoft to show them how Deadline Funnel works and how it helps Infusionsoft users grows their sales.
If you’re interested in a similar learning opportunity, please contact help@deadlinefunnel.com.
If you’d like to find out more about using Deadline Funnel and Infusionsoft, comment below or reach out to us at help@deadlinefunnel.com.