May 2022 Product Updates
GrowthLeap Dashboard
In April, we announced the exciting launch of GrowthLeap, Deadline Funnel’s new parent company and platform for building even more incredible marketing tools to help you grow your business. This month we’ve made all of GrowthLeap’s resources easily understandable and accessible via the GrowthLeap Dashboard.
Through the new GrowthLeap Dashboard, you can now access GrowthLeap apps, like ConvertHub and Deadline Funnel as well as the GrowthLeap Community, Academy, and Referral Program. You can find the GrowthLeap dashboard by clicking the GrowthLeap button in the top menu of your account.

Custom Events Activity Dashboard
Custom events are a flexible way to show social proof notifications that aren’t part of your Deadline Funnel campaigns. Previously, you could only see the custom events in your account.

Now by going to the Activity tab, you can see every contact associated with that custom event (i.e. passed through the custom event’s webhook). This could be every lead that just opted-in for your lead magnet or your customers who purchased your product.

You can now search, filter, and export these contacts for greater control in your business.
New Deadline Funnel and ConvertHub Billing page
The Billing page received a refresh that allows you to see and change your subscription for Deadline Funnel and ConvertHub.
As a reminder, each Deadline Funnel customer receives a free ConvertHub account! This gives you the ability to show social proof notifications or capture emails through Deadline Funnel’s Portals on any page in your business.

Notification when Importing and Deleting Subscribers
After importing or deleting subscribers to a campaign on the Analytics page, you’ll now see a message confirming your edit is in progress.