Check out our new admin!
Here's what we're working on...
After weeks of doing usability testing with clients we’re excited to announce that we’re just a few days away from launching the new admin.
Check out this sneak peek video here:
Here are some highlights of what makes this new admin and workflow MUCH easier:
1) Just ONE embed code per account
Which means you no longer need to install different codes for your countdown code, different ones for your optin forms, etc.
Just one code that you install on any page that’s in your funnel.
And then from the Deadline Funnel admin you can control what happens on each page.
2) Streamlined workflow
We’ve worked with a handful of clients to dramatically simplify and streamline the process of getting Deadline Funnel up and running on your site.
To accomplish this we looked at every step of our existing process and asked “can we remove this?”
We also looked at where most of our support tickets came from and focused on how we can make it easier and more obvious how to integrate Deadline Funnel into your landing pages, sales pages, order pages, and emails.
3) More complete floating bar preview
Deadline Funnel lets you use the web page countdown either as an inline countdown or as a floating bar.
If you use the floating bar option you’ll see a working example of the floating bar… as you build and edit it.
Which means you won’t have to change tabs or windows to see how your floating bar actually looks.
There’s a lot more we’ve built into this new admin but those are some of the big updates.
So you might be wondering:
Question: “How will this affect my existing Deadline Funnel campaigns?”
We’ve done extensive testing to make sure that your existing campaigns will work exactly as they do now.
You don’t need to change anything or do anything when the new admin rolls out.
However, you do need to know that if you are going to edit an existing campaign, you will need to add the new Deadline Funnel code to your pages in order to see those changes go live.
Question: “When will this go live?”
We are expecting sometime around Tuesday the 12th of July.